We offer 9 different counting plates. Choose the one that best fits the shape and dimensions of the pills or tablets being counted. Place the plate inside the holding tray.
Pour the pills or tablets onto the counting plate to begin your count.
Shake the "Shake and Roll" counting system until the pills or tablets fill all of the holes. Visually confirm that all the holes are filled. Discard the excess pills or tablets.
Lift the counting plate up to begin proper transfer into bottle.
Slide the pills or tablets to the open side of the tray. Pour the pills or tablets into the bottle.

The founder of Chempharm Corp was a pharmacist with over 50 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Augie Pomante established Chempharm Corp in 1986. He was originally from New Jersey and graduated from Rutgers as a Pharmacist. He was an entrepreneur who was friendly, likable and thoroughly enjoyed engaging with his customers. He enjoyed getting to know his customers individually and believed that trust and honesty are the most important things in business. He had a firm belief in being efficient and hard working. He would say, “Time is life.” There is always a way to improve what you are doing. He was diligent in trying to improve processes and efficiency. Our products are available to pharmacies and industries worldwide. We have been in business for more than 25 years.
We offer a one-person counter for as low as $189.85, as well as a two-person model for $294.85 (plus shipping & handling). This counter is ideal for prescription departments, clinical trials, and can also be used as a verification system and quality assurance in your department.
Customers can buy the whole set as well, with the option to buy specific parts separately. Many clients, including pharmacists, pharm techs, manufacturers, doctors, and vets, have called this the best counting system they have ever used.
Features include:
100% Accurate Count
Can Verify Counts for Electronic Machines
Requires only 8" x 7" Space
Uses no electricity
Low maintenance
Easy cleaning
August had an interesting experience when he first started his business. He received criticism from a customer labeling the product as “Mickey Mouse.” He stood his ground in his belief in the effectiveness and quality of his product, the Shake and Roll. He believed it was the best way to count pills and tablets. The Shake and Roll counter was simple, fast, and does the job right at a very affordable price. After the doubting customer used the product August received a very humbling letter in the mail. It was raving about how wonderful the product was and he was happy that the customer was satisfied and experienced the value of it.
Augie Pomante passed away in 2018. The business stayed in the family with Augie's grandson Michael Pomante taking over. He will build on the same values of trust and good ethics established by Augie.

This all in one tool will save you time and energy by eliminating the search for other tools to complete a task.
The Pharmatool is a multi-purpose tool developed by a pharmacist for consumers, clinics, hospitals, pharmacists, pharmacies, and vets. It can open and remove safety caps, pick cotton, cut seals, and open cartons. Keep the Pharmatool close by and you will find a new use for it daily so be experimental.