If you are not 100% satisfied with the product you can get a refund for the product. If the product has a broken part or gets broken, you can get a refund for the broken part only or get a free replacement part.
You can return or exchange the product or part up to 20 days from the date you purchased it.
We guarantee our products will last for over 15 years if properly taken care of. Please use soap and water to clean, the use of rubbing alcohol may cause parts to warp or crack.
If the product has a broken part or gets broken within 20 days of purchase, you can get a refund for the broken part only or get a free replacement part. Call us at 1-800-487-5024 for customer service on exchanging broken parts.
You will pay for return shipping charges.
Any non-broken product you return must be in the same condition you received it in.